The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls. A Poem by N. Gogol, Moscow, 1842. Gift (!) copy. Contemporary full leather binding, the remains of all edges gilt, a gold embossment has faded. Spine slightly rubbed. On the top cover of the binding are engraved the given name, patronymic and surname of the person to whom the book was presented. Inside a very clean and fresh copy. The book was professionally renovated. First lifetime edition of the famous novel by N.V. Gogol. Extremely rare!

As it is known, the plot of the poem was suggested to Gogol by A.S. Pushkin. Probably, the plot grew out of the Pushkin’s letter to P.A. Pletnev dated of 16 February 1831, «I am getting married in a few days; and here is my household report: I pledged my 200 souls, took 38000 roubles, and this is how I had them distributed: 11000 to my mother-in-law who wanted by alls means her daughter to be with a dowry, which makes it lost money. 10 000 to Nashchokin to help him out in a bad situation: that is sure money. The remaining 17000 – for house arrangements and one-year living. More...

Похождения Чичикова, или мертвые души. Поэма Н. Гоголя. М., 1842.


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